
Call of duty world war 2 pc
Call of duty world war 2 pc

call of duty world war 2 pc

  • Processor: Intel Core i3 3225 3.3 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1400.
  • No recommended hardware configuration has been announced, and this is what the base hardware you need.

    call of duty world war 2 pc

    Keep in mind that this is the minimum required specification.

    call of duty world war 2 pc

    Call of Duty: World War 2 PC system requirementsĬall of Duty: World War 2 developer Sledgehammer hasn’t given a recommended specification for the game - the developers have only shared specs for a single configuration. That means you can load the game on your PC or console, though it will only be activated on November 3. Given the colossal Call of Duty: World War 2 file sizes, Activision has allowed those buying the game digitally to preload the game right now. It should, like past games, unlock at local midnight for each region if you’re purchasing it digitally.Ĭall of Duty: World War 2 has a 45.14GB download size on the Xbox One, 56GB on the PS4, and a whopping 90GB on PC. Call of Duty: World War 2 release time and timeĬall of Duty: World War 2 release date is November 3 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

    Call of duty world war 2 pc